
Watch this master speaker sharing his thoughts on leadership. Clearly his use of humor, timing, and non-verbal creation of audience rapport is something that can be emulated by public speakers, teachers, hypnotists, coaches and leaders on all levels. Enjoy and share with your friends!

One way to increase your own confidence is to know how to handle the resistant client. Do you know how to do a paradoxical induction? This video will teach you. Share it with your friends, it really is a great strategy.

You dreams 3-7 times each night. You might actually be dreaming right now. Do you want to remember your dreams, or know what they are? Watch this video to understand dreams a lot better and share this with your friends, they will find it interesting too!

So often hypnotists are working with, or even relying on “memory”. Almost every approach that seeks and (ISE) initial sensitizing event, relays on memory to some extent. Dr. Elizabeth Loftus gave a great Ted talk that I think is pretty helpful for hypnotists.

Dreams are fascinating. What do you dream about? Dreaming is a huge part of our life, our creative expression and stress relief. In fact, dreams keep us normal. think about that, your crazy dreams keep you normal! See the list of ten facts about your dreams – and share this with a freind!